John Lennon, the Accountant

Photo by Fleur on Unsplash

Photo by Fleur on Unsplash

Yesterday in a meeting, coach & author Michael Doyle told me the incredible story of his first book launch, which blew his expectations out of the water. 

He was visiting a church in Newfoundland when the preacher spontaneously called him up to introduce him and his book.

Unprepared, he gave a short talk, then proceeded to sell every printed copy he had in the trunk of his car!  

This reminds me of a story from a delightful podcast interview I listened to recently with author Ken Honda (The Japanese Art of Happy Money), who is inspiring me with his beautiful wise approach to money and business:

"I think the most important thing in life is: you have to be in the right place, in order to to meet the right person... For example, I always imagine if John Lennon worked in an accounting office – would he be happy or not. He would probably be scolded by his boss, like "don't sing – just do the books." Even if you have a great talent, if you're in the wrong place, people will ridicule or scold you or  not appreciate you. But if you're in the right spot, people will respect you, worship you and appreciate you." – Ken Honda

It's exactly the same with your book.

If you wrote a book and it's not selling, it may just be in the wrong place. If it's on Amazon only and it's not selling, then it’s likely in the wrong place. 

If you are frustrated with the performance of your book, let's jump on a call and together we will figure out some fun and ingenious strategies so you can sell more books!

Y O U R    F R I E N D   ♥
Andrea Schmidt